Wednesday, April 13, 2011

T minus 1 day and counting!

Well, 24 hr from now I will be winging my way to Dhaka, Bangladesh via Abu Dhabi.

For any of you who do not know, I am going to visit my daughter who is in Bangladesh on a Fulbright fellowship. She has been there since mid-September- and has come home twice to visit. She will not be finished with her fellowship until October so if we want to see her we go there!

I leave Boston tomorrow (Wed April 13) night at 6:30 pm and arrive in Dhaka on Friday April 15th at 4:50 am. Being the quantitative person I am I have done some calculations. I will be traveling 9303 miles to get to Dhaka and will be in the air for 19 and 2/3 hr!! I will be gone about 3 weeks, which I think is the longest I have been away in as long as I can remember. 

To be clear, Bangladesh was not on my list of "1000 places to visit before I died" but I am on my way! I checked the forecast for Dhaka on "Weather Bug" on my iPhone to see what I should expect when I arrive-- it said 95 degree but with humidity it will feel like 136 degrees. Elizabeth assured me that was not possible and it was the way the computer does it calculations. Someone else told me that once it gets about 115 it doesn't really matter. Those are probably both true!

My suitcases are filled with all of the goodies that Elizabeth has requested including "lots and lots of qinuoa", oatmeal, Odawalla protein bars, maple syrup, gummie bears, etc. In addition, I am bringing a new computer, a camera and a ton of film-- security will be a test!!

My plans are to live Elizabeth's life with her for about 3 weeks. Not many mothers get to spend 24/7 with their adult daughter for more than two weeks so I consider myself very fortunate!!

Elizabeth has been doing some blogging since there got there so if you want to check out her comments go to

This is my first blogging experience so we will see how well I do!

Sonargon, Bangladesh.  © Elizabeth D. Herman


  1. Pat, what an adventure.
    Keep posting.
    Safe travels and live to Biz.

  2. So true....not many mothers get to spend more than 2 weeks with their adult daughters.... more overly.... not many daughters WANT to spend three weeks with their moms so must have done a lot right to get to this point. Amazing journey ahead of you. Travel well.


  3. Have a safe flight. I am sure you will have an amazing time! Looking forward to reading more of these posts! Take care Pat!

  4. Have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Bonnie Millender
